New Family Movie: 10 Lives

If you and the children love a funny and easy-going movie that also transports a valuable lesson to the little ones, then you cannot miss the new movie release of “10 Lives”. The main character is Beckett – a pampered and selfish cat who has been carelessly dealing with his cat lives up until now.

After loosing his 9th life and with no lifelines remaining, Beckett earnestly pleads for a return to the past. Initially denied, his plea undergoes a remarkable change when the ‘Gatekeeper’ is touched by an unexpected surge of empathy, granting him a fresh start on Earth with an entirely new set of lives. Unbeknownst to him, each of these reincarnations will manifest in diverse forms, each imparting a valuable and timely lesson. Thus begins a journey wherein Beckett evolves from a gloriously self-absorbed pet to a selfless hero, demonstrating that the path to self-realisation often means traveling many different roads to find the very best version of yourself.

Book your tickets here: MOVIE TICKETS

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Would you like to WIN some FREE movie tickets for the entire family? Then enter our competition on our Instagram channel where ONE lucky winner will stand a chance to grab 4x 2D movie tickets AND 6 x OG Doughnuts from Krispy Kreme for you and your family! Good luck and enjoy the movie!

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